Paint Protection Film Care Instructions

  • April 5, 2020
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Installing a paint protection film (PPF) to protect your car’s exterior is one of the best ways to ensure that your car remains glamorous and the paint doesn’t lose its sparkle. PPF is typically installed on the most vulnerable parts of the car such as the bumpers, hood, door handles, and other exposed parts. It can also be applied to the entire exterior surface for maximized protection.

In return to protecting your car, the paint protection film should be thoroughly maintained to:

  • Protect your investment
  • Ensure its durability for longer paint protection
  • Maintain its efficacy to protect your car
  • Retain its glow and classy look

Although PPF requires special care, its maintenance is much easier compared to the maintenance of unprotected car exterior.

Here are specific paint protection film maintenance instructions and tips to help maximize paint protection.

Immediately After Installation

This is the most crucial part of Paint Protection Film care as it’s still curing, and any blunder may hinder this process or damage the film. Therefore:

  • Do not wash or wax your car for the first seven days after the PPF installation. This is because the moisture between your car’s paint surface and the film is still evaporating and the film has not yet adhered to the surface well. Any disturbance may interfere with the curing process.
  • Do not press any bubbles formed underneath the film. When the PPF is installed, a setting solution used. This may form watery bubbles under the film. The bubbles should not be pressed as this is part of the curing process and they’ll dissipate within two to three weeks after installation. The moisture held in those bubbles evaporates through the film’s pores.
  • If possible, do not drive your car the first week after installation. This reduces any chance of messing up the healing process.

After getting through the first week after installation, then you can carry out more film maintenance practices.

Cleaning Your Car

When cleaning your car, care should be taken to avoid damaging the Paint Protection Film. When using any pressure washer including water or air pressure washer, a good distance, of 1ft or more, should be maintained between the film and the washer’s nozzle. This is because too much pressure can lift the film from the car’s surface.

The pressure washer should also be kept away from the edges as it can easily lift the film.

To clean your film’s edges use a microfiber cloth.

To wipe any dust off your car, hydrate the surface first. This reduces friction which prevents swirls and damage to the PPF.

Apply A Premium Sealant

A Paint Protection Film is porous. This means that if dust and other contaminants are left on for long, they can contaminate it and make it dull over time. To prevent this, a sealant should be applied on the PPF’s surface. Applying a sealant seals the pores keeping the film safe from contaminants. The sealant also provides extra protection for your car.

Instead of using wax or sealants, one can also apply a ceramic coating on the Paint Protection Film. This combination offers both the PPF and ceramic coating benefits, offering more protection to your car.

When purchasing sealants to apply on your Paint Protection Film, ensure you choose only natural-based sealants. Do not use any sealants or wax with corrosive elements as they’ll damage your film, including its self-healing capabilities.

Ensure that you apply the sealant evenly on the film to maintain its overall gleam look.

After wax/sealant/ceramic coating application, maintenance of the car and the PPF is eased further. Only water and liquid soap are required to clean your car and you’re all set.

Avoid Products With Aggressive Chemicals

Your Paint Protection Film is prone to damage and anything that reduces its efficacy should be avoided. This includes all detailing products with corrosive or abrasive chemicals. Products that should be averted include tar and bug removers, clay cleaners, and degreasers, among other harmful products.

Keep in mind that the film’s integrity should remain intact for it to be effective and aggressive products put this in jeopardy and reduce the film’s durability.

Remove Bird Droppings, Bug Splatter and other Natural Contaminants Immediately

Bird droppings, tree sap, and other natural contaminants that are acidic should not be left on the film for long. Such contaminants can quickly degrade the PPF and reduce its shine. When removing these contaminants, blot them instead of wiping them.

Apart from the discussed maintenance tips, here are a few more PPF care tips:

  • Do not use powered buffers/polishing equipment on the PPF
  • Do not wipe or clean it in direct sunlight or when the film is hot
  • Do not use dyed sealants as they’ll make it dull
  • After washing your car, use a clean microfiber towel to dry it. This prevents water spots
  • Do not use powder detergents on the PPF
  • Do not pick the film’s edges
  • Do not use petroleum or resin-based products as they can damage the Paint Protection Film’s surface
  • Always use PH neutral products on the PPF
  • Apply wax every 3-6 months
  • Avoid pressure washers with very high PSI
  • Hand detailing is preferred to avoid damage to the film


Our cars are precious and deserve the best treatment and care for durability and to retain their elegant and sleek look. The most effective way to do this is by installing a Paint Protective Film on vulnerable parts or the entire vehicle. This prevents damage caused by environmental and physical elements, such as rock debris, UV rays, bird-dropping, and acid rain, among other substances, to your paint.

To ensure the integrity and durability of the installed Paint Protection Film, special care and maintenance is required, including the application of sealants, avoidance of corrosive substances, and other practices. By taking care of your film, its effectiveness is maintained which ensures that your car’s paint remains protected. This maintains your car’s value and look.

To learn more about paint protection through Paint Protection Film or other methods, contact us and we will be glad to offer our expertise.
